
Join our user database

Welcome to Hyperactive. This is where you apply to join one of the World's leading club promotions companies to receive new music from the biggest and best record labels on the planet.

Please fill in all the details in the form below - once we receive your information you will have full access to all the projects we are working at the moment, subject to acceptance.

To qualify for membership of our database you must be able to provide us references from the places you DJ in/write for, if we request them. We regret that our service is not available to the general public.

Your membership is also subject to providing us with regular feedback and charts to the music that we send you. If you are not prepared to do this, please do not apply.

Please contact if you are already signed up with another Music House department, and wish to sign up to Hyperactive as well.

User regs

IMPORTANT: please email us at before registering below.

Information about yourself

* You must fill in all fields marked with an asterix

Where you DJ